Deborah Crawford
God desires that we bear one another's burdens. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus. As I have been strengthened by God's words through friends and family, I offer you comforting words from our Heavenly Father.
history of mp’s
Mothers for Prodigals is a God-given ministry that flows from my healed heart. Through painful experiences with my own daughter, I understand the father’s heart in the parable of The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). It's a compassionate heart, yearning for a child to come home. It's the heart of our Heavenly Father.
The father of the prodigal (or lost son) waited expectantly for his son’s return to the family. He possibly waited a very long time. The time of waiting is excruciating. But even though separation from a child is agonizing, our Father God is good.
In this parable told by Jesus, the son finally comes to his senses and returns to his father. From a long way off, the forgiving father sees his son and runs to embrace him. What a heartwarming moment! The father had been watching and waiting, praying and believing for his son's return. God sustained him while he waited. Praise God for His faithfulness.
God sustained me through the love and support of family and friends as I waited for my daughter to return to her senses. My network of friends continuously reminded me to trust Jesus. Many times they prayed with me, quoting the comforting words of Scripture. Even through darkness overwhelmed me at times, God, through these beautiful acts of love from my friends, strengthened me.
Having received such strong support, I desired to encourage others. God impressed upon my heart the need to minister to mothers dealing with the pain of their children's reckless choices. God gave me a vision.
I envisioned myself wearing a black band around my arm enhanced by the letters MP. A flurry of meanings entered my mind: military police, guarding people, enforcing laws, watchmen on the walls, and intercessors. I soon realized the letters MP stood for mothers and prodigals. My journey to uplift hurting women with the compassionate comfort of Jesus Christ had begun.
Both mothers and fathers need encouragement as distress affects the entire family. While waiting for God's perfect timing, let's pray together for each other and our children. God's plan is redemption for all through Jesus Christ. We eagerly await the fulfillment of His promises.