Walking, running, lifting weights—many of us put forth physical effort to improve and sustain our health and fitness. Reading, studying, staying informed—we may even strive to keep our minds active. What about spiritual exercise? Have you ever considered the importance of staying spiritually fit? What does it look like to be spiritually out of shape?
Total fatigue. To be spiritually weak is to be completely exhausted. We can’t do life on our own. We try time and time again. It may appear we’re successful, but eventually all falls apart. External things may seem to be working, yet inside our spiritually out of shape souls, we’re dying, crying, and lying to ourselves that we’re okay. We need a Savior.
I discovered my need for a Savior when I became a mother. From infant to toddler, my firstborn slept little and moved constantly while I struggled to keep up with him. Rarely could I boast any accomplishments except tending to him. Body, mind, and soul—all of me grew weary day by day. Drained of energy, I lacked the willpower to be an effective wife and mother until I heeded my mother-in-law’s advice.
“Why don’t you wake up before him and spend some quiet time with God. Read your Bible and pray,” she said.
How could I to wake up any earlier when I barely slept enough at night? As crazy as her suggestion seemed to me, I decided to try it for a few days. Even though I endeavored daily to rise from sleep, sitting still with an open Bible and studying God’s Word empowered me.
Soon I began to hunger after an everyday portion of God’s Word. Every single morning He delivered. With God’s truth embedded in my soul, I determined to gracefully manage each waking hour. Did my son’s schedule change? Absolutely not! Did I transform into a perfect wife and mother? Assuredly no! But I faced all challenges with a new lease on life. Building spiritual muscles fortified me.
Becoming spiritually fit involves studying the truth, standing on the Word of God, believing in and following after Jesus, the Savior of the world. It requires avoiding godless chatter, foolish ideas, worldly arguments. It’s a righteous process intended for an earthly as well as a heavenly purpose. A daily dose of spiritual fitness works to sustain us in everything we do. God says:
Don’t waste time arguing over foolish ideas and silly myths and legends. Spend your time and energy in the exercise of keeping spiritually fit. Bodily exercise is all right, but spiritual exercise is much more important and is a tonic for all you do. So exercise yourself spiritually, and practice being a better Christian because that will help you not only now in this life, but in the next life too. 1 Timothy 4:7-8 (TLB)
In this passage, the apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to avoid godlessness and train in godliness. He persuaded him to be diligent in word and deed. By handling the Word of God correctly, he could liberate himself and his followers with the knowledge of God’s truth and the repentance of sins.
This world is abuzz with words from thousands of people, some meant to help and others meant to hinder. Dwelling on meaningless and possibly harmful chatter distracts. Reckless notions entice people to run after the next best thing instead of exercising authenticity. Led astray from a firm foundation, we arrive in an unfamiliar place, helpless and hopeless. Is there an answer for this emptiness?
The Word, the Word of God, the Word made flesh—this Word is Jesus Christ. He is the answer. He is our hope and our help. When we chose to spend time with Him in His Word, He releases His comfort into our souls. He strengthens our spiritual muscles. Waking up daily to sit at the Lord’s feet does not guarantee a perfect day. But relying on His strength fills us with His perfect peace, come what may.
We live in an extremely seductive world. And yet, we have freedom to choose whether we will succumb to temptation. We can follow worldly guidelines or godly truth. Choosing poorly can result in dire consequences. Choosing wisely, we can anticipate the presence of a loving God in our lives who will strengthen us spiritually.
Even while choosing the wisdom of God, we have a responsibility to rightly divide God’s Word. Not pick and choose what we want to hear. Not make it fit our lives, but cause our lives to fit it, to align ourselves with God’s will.
My life experiences have drawn me closer to God. Each day that I spend in prayer and the study of His Word, He fortifies my soul. As I grow in the knowledge of my Savior, my spiritual muscles strengthen. I am strong in the Lord because of His Word and prayer.
Are you spiritually out of shape? Join me in an exercise program of the spirit. Open your Bible and study to show yourself approved. You’ll soon be walking in the strength of the Lord.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105
““A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.”
― Charles Spurgeon ”